Multicomp Vocational High School
Multicomp was built in 2002. Has meaning as many expertises. There are few majorings and those are Marketing, Hotel Accommodation, and Multimedia.
About Us
Address : St. Raya Kalimulya Kp. Kebun Duren No.7 Kel. Kalimulya Kec. Cilodong, Depok
Telp. (021) 77823607
Fax . 021-2923394
Email : smk_multicomp@yahoo.co.id
Multicomp was built in 2002. Located in Kalimulya Raya Street, Kebon Duren, Depok.
Multicomp has 3 majorings, those are Marketing, Hotel Accommodation, and Multimedia.
In this academic year, Multicomp has 9 classes and 416 students with 21 teachers.
Multicomp's principal is Dra. Hj. Nurul Qomariah
Vission and Mission
VISION: Being the leading vocational school and reliable in service, as well as add value in taking advantage of opportunities in the global era.
1. Prepare human resources skilled in the art.
2. Set up an independent human resources and be able to compete in the global era.
3. Setting up the recruitment of competent world needs of business and industry.
4. Prepare honest, responsible, faithful and religion students.
CULTURE: 3S (Senyum, Salam, and Sapa)
MOTTO: UNITE (Clean, Neat, Polite, Punctual and Excellence)
There are many facilities in our school like mini market, computer lab, and hotel lab.